

Need a Perfect Mother’s Day Gift? Give the Gift of Home Maintenance.

home maintenance

Mother’s day is just around the corner. If you have not gotten her a gift yet, do not fret. We got you covered! This year, allow your mother to spend more time relaxing and less time worrying about her home repairs. Here are 3 essential reasons why you should provide your mother figure the gift of home maintenance. 


1. Prevent Costly Repairs

Keeping up with your home can be costly. However, our Home Maintenance Program can catch repairs while they are still manageable. That way, they do not grow into larger costly repairs. Our article 3 MUST KNOW Reasons why Home Care is the Ultimate Money Saver has all the details on how you could be saving money! Don’t miss it. 

2. Ensure Consistency

With our expert technicians, we can guarantee that your home will be thoroughly inspected and provide reliable service with each visit. At OneContact our goal is to increase the lifespan of your property. Let’s make that happen. With our home maintenance program, you can bundle all your handy-related tasks and concerns and have them taken care of promptly. Gone are the days of multiple technicians visiting your home. OneContact is your one point of contact!

3. Live a Repair-Free Lifestyle

With OneContact, all your home-upkeep needs are easily met. With consistent and reliable inspections, we identify future repairs and prevent them from happening. You and your mother no longer have to worry about major repairs. Gain back your time with our home maintenance program. 

Get your mother the perfect gift of home maintenance. Take away repair worries, and gain more relaxation time with OneContact’s Home Maintenance Program. Contact us today!