

3 MUST KNOW Reasons why Home Care is the Ultimate Money Saver

Save Money by performing Home Care. A piggybank in one hand and a home in the other.

It is cheaper to maintain than to repair. This June, be proactive with your home safety and save big bucks. Use our FREE Summer Home Maintenance Checklist. It outlines easy to follow steps to keep your home in top notch condition. Checking on your exterior, appliances, heating and cooling, plumbing, security, and electrical systems will help prevent breakdowns, save money, and keep your home looking its best.

OneContact offers checklists for every season to help you keep your home in prime working conditions all year round. You can also check out our Fall, Winter and Spring checklists here. Stay proactive all year round, and avoid sudden expensive repairs. 

Home maintenance can be a daunting task! Especially on a Saturday morning the last thing you want to do is any extra work. However, small simple activities will benefit you and your home in the long run. Here are 3 major reasons why preventable home maintenance is essential to take on. 


  1. Maintenance > Repair

By making small repairs now you prevent them from becoming larger issues in the future. A simple monthly filter change for your furnace can prevent major ventilation reworks. According to the 2019 American National Statistics, for every $1 you spend on maintaining your home, you can save up to $100 in future repairs. A general rule of thumb if you are purchasing an older home is that you should budget about 1% of your home’s purchase price for initial maintenance and repair expenses.


  1. Energy Efficiency

Reduce expenses while remaining environmentally responsible. Energy for lighting can easily account for about 10% of your electric bill. When shopping for bulbs, consider the brightness of the bulbs you want and look for lumens and the Lighting Facts label. Your electric utility may offer rebates or other incentives for purchasing energy-efficient devices. Also look for ways to use controls such as sensors, dimmers, or timers to reduce lighting use. For more information on how to save money all year long check out our DIY Energy Guide. 


  1. Improve your Home Value

In the long run, a lack of home maintenance will hurt the value of your home. It is astonishing how a few minor flaws such as a poorly kept lawn, unsecure flooring, or faucets and showerheads with mineral deposits can significantly lower your home’s value. Simply putting an hour or two each month will ensure your home will sell for a great price. 


Be proactive and give OneContact a call at 403-452-6606 or visit us here. Save money on costly repairs.