

Tips for Valentine’s Ideas – Do a DIY Weekend Project Together

Happy Valentine’s Day. Why not make this month romantic and start a DIY mini weekend project together? Couple goals! An easy and fun project for both you and your partner to try is painting a room! OneContact has created a how-to guide to paint a room for you to follow. Enjoy your Valentine’s Day DIY project. Happy painting!

Valentines DIY, couple in a home enjoying time together in Calgary

1. Imagine Your Ideal Room

Who says all four walls need to be painted the same colour? You can add personality to any room by painting an accent wall with a different colour. Choose your paint colours wisely, it can change your mood. But remember, let loose and have fun with it!

2. Purchase Supplies from your Local Store

You will need:

  • Paint(s) – Your paint store specialists can help you determine quantity.
  • Paint Roller
  • Paint Roller Extension Pole
  • Paintbrushes
  • Drop cloths
  • Paint Tray
  • Sandpaper
  • Painter’s Tape
  • Rags
  • Putty Knife
  • Wooden Paint Stick


3. Prep the Walls and the Room

Ensure that the room is cleared and major furniture is placed far away from the walls and covered. Apply tape around the edges of the walls to keep the painting area clean. If you are painting the walls a lighter colour and starting with dark walls, consider painting the walls white before applying the desired colour. 

4. Prepare Your Paint

Get your paint ready by opening the can and stirring it with a wooden paint stick. Make sure to continue to stir your paint often throughout the project.


5. Pick Your Partner Painting Technique

Perhaps one partner can use the large roller brush to cover the large areas, and the other partner uses a smaller paintbrush to cover the more precise areas. You can both take turns. We recommend using the roller brush in a W-shape motion along the wall to get the most coverage, and going from the top corners to the bottom. Do more than one coat of paint for a bolder colour.


6. Ensure The Room is Ventilated 

The chemicals from the paint can be smelly, and without proper ventilation, the room can take longer to dry. Use a fan and keep many windows open to ensure the room is drying quickly. 


7. Clean-Up! 

Finally, your painting project is done. Make sure your paint brushes are fully rinsed off in case you would like to use them again for another painting project. When the paint is dry, remove all the painter’s tape and the drop cloths. Rearrange furniture and enjoy the brand new look of your room. If you have extra paint cans, liven up your garage and display them alongside its stir-stick.

If you have any other major painting jobs, OneContact’s painting services have got you covered! To keep your home beautiful and running in Calgary’s unpredictable weather, sign up for our Home Maintenance Program and receive affordable, reliable, and convenient home inspections. People notice home care!