

It May be Time for a New Shower… Find out now!

new shower

Although a shower can be a relaxing experience, its consistent use can lead to future bathroom catastrophes. Your shower may be outdated or needs to be repaired. At OneContact we care about implementing preventable measures in your home. No matter the cause, we can help you out! Here are 3 situations that may indicate that your shower head needs to be replaced or fixed. 


1. Water Pressure Fluctuations

As your shower head begins to age, its water pressure may fluctuate. Over time there may be slight loosening or unhingings of shower components. Constant use could also lead to sediment build up and decrease outflow. These problems can grow and cause the showerhead to come apart or even stop the flow of water completely. Stay ahead of these problems and check out OneContact’s Home Maintenance Program. With our program, you can easily stay ahead to preventable repairs! We make home-upkeep affordable and reliable. 

2. You Notice Leaks 

As your shower head deteriorates, you may notice water spewing out of places where it is not supposed to be. This is quite common for most plumbing fixtures over time. Our article, 3 Proactive Plumbing Tips for the Summer, has more details on which fixtures you might want to also check up on. A buildup of sediment may cause your shower head to leak. As your shower head is clogged, water may be backed up and force it to go in an unexpected direction. In addition to it being annoying, a leaky faucet can significantly increase your utility bills. A leaky faucet calls for an expert technician. Luckily, OneContact’s plumbing services have all the expertise you need! Bundle your plumbing concerns and contact us today

3. Sudden Water Temperature Changes 

We have been there! There is nothing worse than taking a nice warm shower and having it suddenly turn ice cold. Sudden water temperature changes may indicate an aging shower valve. As it ages, it can be difficult to maintain a constant flow of hot water. Have one of our expert technicians examine your shower and get it replaced immediately. At OneContact we want you to fully enjoy the benefits of your home. 


Prevent future plumbing problems and sign up for our Home Maintenance Program. Our expert plumbing services have got you covered against costly future repairs. OneContact makes home-upkeep simple, reliable, and affordable. Bundle your tasks and contact us today