

These Simple Home Renovations will increase the value of your home!

home renovation

Are you planning to sell your home this year? Or want to liven up your current space? Regardless, these simple home renovations will instantly increase your home value. At OneContact we care about providing you comprehensive home maintenance in the present so you can enjoy a worry-free lifestyle in the long-run. These cosmetic renovations can be done with your family over the weekend, or with the help of OneContact. 


Upgrade Kitchen Light Fixtures

Your kitchen is the heart (and stomach) of your home. It serves as a multipurpose room for everyone! Liven it up for your cooks, your kids who hang out, or the guests for your dinner parties and family gatherings. A new light fixture plays a big role in energizing your space. Take the time and choose the light fixture that suits your space, then save time and give OneContact a call to replace them all! 

Refresh Your Rooms With Paint 

A fresh coat of paint will add a splash of colour into your life and cover up your past decorating or diy mishaps. Did you know that choosing the right colour is more important than you might think? If painting your rooms seems like a hassle just know OneContact offers painting services to suit your needs! 

Install a Dishwasher to Conserve Water

Get rid of that 10 year old dishwasher! It could wreak havoc on your electricity bills and energy consumption. Instead use an ENERGY STAR dishwasher. According to Direct Energy, older dishwashers can use 19-50 liters of water. Newer dishwashers use less than 15 liters of water. Learn more about how energy efficiency can save you big bucks. OneContact’s technicians are equipped to handle your new dishwasher installation, contact us so we can help you out. 

Put Down a Fresh Bead of Bathroom Caulk

The signs of aging caulk can be alarming when walking into your bathroom. We have all seen the muddy brown colour that appears around the rib of a tub or sink. Liven it up with a fresh layer of caulk. Not only will your bathrooms look tidy, but it will prevent mildew and mold in the future. OneContact’s light plumbing services can handle all your bathroom improvements!

Increase the value of your with these easy to-do renovation tips! Too much to-do? Don’t worry, OneContact can handle your bundle of tasks! Contact us or call us at 403–452–6606.