

4 Essential Reasons why you should Renovate your Kitchen Now!

kitchen renovation

A renovation is not just a project, it is a life transformation! It is a way to start a new beginning, change the atmosphere in your home, and make it safer. Over time your kitchen ages after enjoying every hearty meal with your family. Countertops may be worn down, cabinets may be broken or outdated, or your backsplash may have too much grime and dirt for it to be easily cleaned. It is always important to upgrade and improve your kitchen! First impressions matter, so emphasize the beauty of your home. Afterall, your kitchen is the heart (and stomach) of your home. At OneContact we love carrying out your renovation designs. Our expert technicians will ensure everything is safe and the way you like it. However, deciding to renovate spaces can be daunting. Let’s make that easy for you. Here are 4 reasons why renovating your kitchen space is of utmost importance.  


1. Improve kitchen safety! – Appliances in your home require a certain voltage level to work. In older homes, electrical wiring may be outdated and require a complete upgrade and reworking of your electrical system. Otherwise your home may be at risk of house fires and electrical shortages. OneContact’s team of expert technicians can ensure your kitchen safety!


2. Elevate the SpaceDid you know that the colour in a certain room impacts your mood? Changing the colour and design of your cabinets, countertops, and backsplash will definitely liven up your kitchen. As we said, the kitchen is the heart of your home. Enjoy more time together and invite OneContact over to perform a makeover. 


3. Impress your Guests – A strong first impression makes all the difference! A bright improved kitchen will leave a positive mark on all your guests. It is always great hearing compliments about how amazing your home is. 


4. A Clean Kitchen is a Happy Home – Overtime grime, oils, and dirt can build up in the seams of your backsplash or the crevices of your cabinet. Sometimes a thorough cleaning isn’t enough to get your kitchen feeling brand new. An upgrade will ensure your kitchen looks fresh! 


Don’t know where to start? We get it. Allow OneContact to implement your special projects! We aim to carry out precise and safe renovations. Call us at (403)-452-6606 or visit us here