

3 MUST KNOW Home Maintenance Tips for Dog Owners


We get it, dogs are messy! This makes home care for dog owners more challenging. At OneContact, we care about your home even when we are not around. We compiled a list of tips you need to consider if you are a dog parent but you also want to simply keep your home in check. Just like everything we offer at OneContact, these tips are a cross between convenience and simplicity. 

1. Chew-Free Electrical Cords: Dogs LOVE to chew on cords. Not only is this a serious hazard, but it is also troublesome if you work to keep everything functioning at home. Avoid this hassle by considering Chew-Free cords. All you need to do is cut the length of the protective conduit to match the length of the cord, fit the cord into the pre-split slot and you are good to go! That is likely the quickest DIY in the history of DIYs. Simple, convenient and proactive. 

2. Mask Scratches and Marks: Claw marks and scratches on your walls, doors, or wooden furniture can ruin the overall appearance and quality of your home. Another challenge if your goal is home upkeep. When it comes to wood, you can hide claw marks and scratches with stain and varnish. Gel stains work best if you want to perfectly match the original colour. No time to get staining and varnishing? No problem! Leave it to the OneContact expert carpenters. As for scratches or marks on your drywall, a fresh coat of paint will likely do the trick. Here are 5 colours to choose from depending on the atmosphere you’d like to create in your living space. OneContact has reliable painters to take care of your painting needs. You can learn more about our wall painting service and special projects here

3. Protective Plexiglas: OneContact would not be OneContact without at least one proactive tip to avoid any problems in the first place. A protective layer of plexiglas on your doors will maintain the quality of the wood, without compromising the overall appearance. All you need to do is cut the plexiglass with a utility knife to fit the size of your door or to be 1ft higher than the size of your dog. You can use a 3 inch hole saw to make room for the doorknob. If you need help with this seemingly minor, yet important and likely daunting task, do not hesitate to reach out to one of OneContact’s technicians and just ease your mind! 


Has damage already been done? OneContact can help make repairs around your home. Contact us and provide your bundle of tasks