

Why Home Energy Efficiency matters in the Winter!

Energy Efficiency

Even if you missed out on performing a fall maintenance check before the winter, it is still not too late to begin conserving energy for your home! A major way to maintain the beauty of your home is to focus on energy efficiency. You might be asking why do I have to look at my energy consumption? Well, your home is like a flower, you have to nurture it to let it blossom! That includes looking at the finer details of your home that often go unnoticed. Also, energy inefficiencies in your home may be costing you big bucks this winter season. But don’t worry, at OneContact our goal is to make your home maintenance simpler. Here are 3 essential tasks you should do to improve your energy efficiency. 


1. Air Leaks 

You should locate potential air leaks. Check for indoor air leaks, such as gaps along the baseboard or edge of the flooring and at junctures of the walls and ceiling. If you feel you have found an air leak in your home, an easy way to confirm your suspicion is to light an incense around the spot of the leak and carefully observe if the smoke moves around unusually. When you wave the incense around a leak, you’ll notice the smoke to waver, meaning that area is allowing cold air to enter, and hot air to escape your home. For more information on how to inspect air leaks head to pages 6-7 of OneContact’s DIY Energy Efficiency Guide


2. Furnace & Thermostat Updates

One way to ensure your energy consumption is accurate is to have an upgraded thermostat. Making the switch to a programmable thermostat gives you control over the temperature in your home when you’re not there, making it easy to reduce energy waste. It is also important to replace furnace filters every 30-60 days. For more information head to page 14 of OneContact’s DIY Energy Efficiency Guide


3. Power & Lighting

Did you know energy for lighting can easily account for about 10% of your electric bill? Examine the light bulbs in your house and consider replacing inefficient bulbs with a more efficient choice, such as energy-saving incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). For more information head to page 11 of OneContact’s DIY Energy Efficiency Guide


Did you know that the Alberta Electric System Operator claims that home energy use peaks in the winter season? Let’s make sure your home is not paying that price! OneContact’s DIY Energy Efficiency Guild has more tips and tricks to help you out this winter season in Calgary. We understand that it may be overwhelming to get through all the guide. Luckily OneContact’s technicians are equipped with the skills to do a thorough home inspection through our Home Maintenance Program. Save money, save time, and save your energy with OneContact. Contact us today.