

Get your Home Trick-or-Treat Ready | Safety and Repair Tips

Home Safety on Halloween

It is Halloween season! This means that a lot of trick or treaters will be at your door at the end of the month. It is the best time to start thinking about the exterior quality of your home and how you can implement safety while maintaining the fun and excitement of Halloween. As usual, OneContact is here to help! Here are some SIMPLE guidelines you can follow to ensure your exterior repairs are up to date, along with some safety tips to keep in mind. 


1. Tighten Railings: Your porch will have a lot of traffic soon. It is vital to ensure that the railings are sturdy before trick or treaters arrive to avoid safety hazards. Complete an inspection of your porch railings. If you notice anything wobbly or shaky, or even cracked/broken steps don’t risk it! Give us a call to complete a more thorough inspection and take care of any problems before halloween. 


2. Friction Tape on Steps: Steps can be very slippery in Calgary’s October weather! If your home steps surface are smooth enough, apply a roll of friction tape to ensure no little trick-or-treaters take a tumble. It can be easily removed afterwards. Ensure your walkways are clear of obstructions. With icy conditions you may want to stock up on ice melts. A safe Halloween is a fun Halloween!


3. Avoid Curbside Parking: Trick or treaters will be roaming around the neighborhood soon. Avoid parking on the curbside to keep the roads clear. This will ensure that little pedestrians are visible to drivers so they can walk and cross safely. 


The upcoming holiday season is the busiest time of the year. We understand that homeowners may experience an added layer of stress as they try to manage home maintenance, family gatherings, and visitors all at once! Spend more time with loved ones this holiday season and leave your home maintenance bundle to us. We promise to impress you and your guests.