

Master Your Home’s Energy Efficiency in Just  3 Simple Steps 



Have you ever wondered why your energy bills sometimes fluctuate from time to time? But also don’t want to call a professional to see what is wrong, as it can be costly and they may upsell you. Let us provide you with a DIY energy assessment for the winter season! This assessment contains simple tasks for you to try to see if your home is functioning efficiently.


Below are 3 quick tests you can try:

1. Locate Air Leaks (Drafts)

Locating air leaks in your home can potentially save 10% to 20% on your next energy bill. Check your indoor air leaks along corners by the baseboard, window sills and by the doors, just to mention a few. A neat way to check is to wait for a windy day and light an incense burner and bring it to all those places mentioned above and when the smoke flickers, that means there are air leaks at the location. Depending on the location, you can put some caulking to fill the hole or add weatherstripping. 


2. Consider Ventilation 


Check your ventilation in your home as this is very important. Proper ventilation is needed as combustion appliances could have a backdraft, which is dangerous and unhealthy. The exhaust fan could suck in the combustion gases and pull the air back into other parts of the home. If you see burn marks around the appliance burner or at the vents or smoke anywhere in the utility room, that means it has poor ventilation. 

3. Check your Light Bulbs


Turning on your lights can be costly when you have lots of lighting in your room, especially if you are using incandescent light bulbs. Try switching to a lower watt light bulb or switching the bulbs to LEDs. The cost is higher, but they are more energy-efficient and brighter. 


To learn more about energy assessments, you can check out this link: https://theecohub.ca/how-to-conduct-a-diy-energy-audit-on-your-home/


If you come across any problems when completing the test, you can contact us anytime at 403-452-6606 and we will be happy to help.