

How to Defeat the Monster Causing those Cracks in your Walls

Crack in the wall

Over time your home certainly shapeshifts and could possibly show cracks in walls or in the foundation. One of the challenges is knowing whether the crack is cosmetic or signs of a major issue. Don’t be nervous! We got some tips to identify what may be the monster causing this. 


1. Thin-Hairline Cracks – If your home is older, thin cracks may appear above door frames on your wall. Don’t be alarmed by these cracks as long as there is no discolouration. They usually appear as a result of your home “settling”. These can be repaired by re-taping the seams where the drywall panels meet or by using plaster. Having multiple cracks can make repairing them a long tedious job! Bundle them together and give OneContact a call to get them repaired. 


2. Discolouration around Cracks – If you notice light yellow or brown stains around your cracks it may be an indication of a water leak. Water from a leaky roof or broken window can run down a wall frame and soften the drywall. OneContacts’ technicians can locate and tackle your leakage problems. 


3. Foundational Cracks – These cracks often go unnoticed on the exterior and interior of your home! Did you know concrete shrinks as it hardens in its early stages? These types of foundation cracks are quite common to see. However other major cracks may be due to excess moisture in the soil. Foundation professionals will sometimes use a device called a crack monitor to examine changes. Be proactive and sign up for the OneContact’s Home Maintenance Program. A reliable technician will do a full inspection of your home and identify what corrective measures can be taken! 


We get it! This is complicated stuff. Luckily OneContact’s technicians love to work with a bundle of your maintenance tasks. OneContact is ready to defeat any home maintenance monster that is troubling you. Call or contact us here to inquire about your needs. We would be happy to service your home!