

5 Easy Home Organization and Upkeep Tricks that Everyone Should Know!


Keeping your home organized and up to your standard can be a daunting task. Afterall, it is the tiny things that keep your home together! To make your home maintenance process a lot more efficient we have listed 5 easy changes that you can do. At OneContact we strive to make your life simpler. 


1. Luminous Light Switch

luminous light switch

Finding your light switch in the dark can be tricky, especially for kids! Instead of searching around, add a dab of glow-in-the-dark paint. This can be found at your local hardware or paint store. They may have glow-in-the-dark stickers or light covers that work just as well! 

2. Keep Pictures Level

sticky tac

A pinch of sticky-tack (that sticky stuff used to hang posters) prevents picture frames from tilting without harming walls. People notice details!

3. Suck Out Drain Clogs

sucking out drain

A way to unclog your bathtub drain is to use a wet-dry vacuum. If you need to increase suction, seal around the nozzle with a wet rag. OneContact’s light plumbing services can handle all your clogged drains so that you spend less time dealing with the mess and more time getting back to what you enjoy the most. 

4. Stir-Stick Paint Organizer

stir stick organizer

A creative way to organize all your paint cans is to display your stir sticks with your paint can! Drill a hole in your stir stick and let it hang above the pain can. With both the color formula and a dried paint sample in view, you don’t have to pull down every can to find the right one for touch-ups. 

5. Bread Tabs for Labeling Cords

bread label organizer

Have you ever been unsure which cord goes with which electronic device in your power strip? Save yourself the time and energy following the cord by simply labeling them. Plastic bread tabs are great for labeling cords that are already plugged in. They’re also sturdy and have enough space to write and can easily slip on. You’ll definitely be able to identify your power cords. 

We get it, home care can be intimidating. Don’t worry, OneContact can help out with all your home maintenance tasks. Bundle all your handy work and we will handle it. By signing up for OneContact’s Home Maintenance Program our detailed home inspections will ensure that there is no need to worry about expensive repairs. Be proactive this winter and contact us here. We are always happy to help!